Analyze the Information Technology Strategic Plan, 2012 – 2016 of ASU.

Analyze the Information Technology Strategic Plan, 2012 – 2016 of ASU..

Review and analyze the Information Technology Strategic Plan, 2012 – 2016 of ASU. Review, analyze and utilize additional information from the UTO website at:

Consider the ASU Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Define ERP. Specially, but briefly, discuss the University’s ERP system. Make sure you answer each of the following questions.

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What software does it consist of?

What specific strategic purposes does it serve?

Beyond the “vision” statement, what specific visionary (long-term) changes are being considered in the strategic plan relating to the University ERP system?


In order to receive full credit for this assignment, your work must (be):

Very detailed discussion of ERP definition

Discussion of ASU ERP specially

Discussion of future vision changes under consideration relating to ERP

Analyze the Information Technology Strategic Plan, 2012 – 2016 of ASU.

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