Adolescent Issues

Adolescent Issues.

 Day 1 – Peers and Friendship: (0.5) A. What is the importance of friendships in adolescence? B. How do children become friends? Does gender make a difference? C. Who are the popular ones in high school, from your memory of your own high school? D. Was bullying a problem in your school? E. What guideline would you suggest for the use of virtual social network like facebook by children and adolescent? II. Video “In Crowd and Social Cruelty”: video notes; comments and Q&A: what can be done to stop bullying (1) Video Link: III. School (0.5) 1) Is it a good idea to implement school uniforms? 2) In California, high schools students need to commit to a post-high school plan in order to graduate from high school. What is your thought about it? IV. Dating and disclosure Activities (0.5) A. Describe the reasons why you chose to date during adolescent years. B. To what extent would you allow your child to carry on with dating experiences? Will you talk about it with your child? C. Do you disclose to your child that what you did as a teen (e.g., drug use, sex experimentation?). Explain your rationale. V. Sex Education (Q&A) (0.5) A. When you were growing up, what was the major source of information on sex from you memory? (How did you learn about SEX?) B. At what age did you receive sex education? Was sex education helpful? C. At what age would you allow your child to receive sex education? By whom? School or family? D. Your thoughts on abstinence education. Day 2 – VI. Inside of Teenage Brain (1.0) – This may allow you to think and understand why adolescents act the way they do. A. Video notes B. List three points you learn from the videos about an adolescent’s brain that are different from adults’? What are the implications for policies (e.g., sleep and school hours; ….) C. Discuss the implications of this video on your suggestions/advice for school policies and parents. Day 3 – VII. Video discussions on Adolescent Mental Health A. Take notes on mental health issues that adolescents and youth today. B. Post what solutions and recommendations for helping adolescent at risk. This is the final question, for you to assess course and your learning … It is meant to be a closure for this course. Video: Boys of Baraka (90 minutes) – This is a video shared in a Youth at Risk conference to help at-risk children. I also met one of the participants (now a grown man) talk about the program and the outcomes of his friends. Post what you think about similar programs, now you read through the book. Post video notes Post your thoughts on how the neighborhood and contexts may influence teen’s behaviors. Would such a program be successful if such a program is created in a remote area in US to remove teens from the immediate context? Post strategies on how to help adolescents at risk.

Adolescent Issues

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