The World Development Indicators database compiles data on household final consumption expenditure and on the number of fixed broadband Internet subscribers for virtually every country and region in the world. Shown here are data on household final consumption expenditure (in millions of constant 2,000 US$) and the number of fixed broadband subscribers (in thousands) for India for the most recent eight years of available data. Using these data, develop a regression model to predict total household final consumption expenditure by the number of fixed broadband Internet subscribers and by (number of fixed broadband Internet subscribers)2 . Compare this model with a regression model to predict total household final consumption by only the number of fixed broadband Internet subscribers. Construct a scatter plot of the data. Does the shape of the plot suggest some alternative models in light of Tukey’s four-quadrant approach? If so, develop at least one other model and compare the model with the other two previously developed.
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