

Identify who makes the decision to invite students to an online student community like those offered by Differ (e.g., student support manager, student induction manager, university principals, student unions) and suggest the best ways to reach the decision-makers and present them with information about the solution. Because it will likely be a niche B2B segment, mass advertising like TV may not be an optimal promotion method. Rather, professional mailing lists, direct mailing, or highly targeted promotion via social media and professional associations or personal meetings with target organization representatives may be more viable and cost effective. Try to not only identify the general channels, but also research and provide the specifics. For example, do not simply recommend professional email distribution lists, targeted social media campaigns, or professional associations as a way to reach the decision-makers (such as LinkedIn network, etc.). Find out the actual email distribution lists and research how one can send out a promotional message to its recipients; suggest which social media allow for sending information directly to the decision-makers and how exactly this could be done; or which professional associations or conferences the decision-makers belong or go to. That is, provide names, addresses, prices, and exact steps that need to be taken to send out the message via this channel.


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