

Open the MDS data-set

a. Using the ALSCAL program, assume that the data are metric (interval) and compute the distance matrix between pairs of sports for the 50 respondents with two-dimensional MDS

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b. Which sports are the most similar according to consumer perceptions?
Which ones are the most different?

c. Save the final co-ordinates and compute the bivariate correlations with the expert panel evaluations

d. Try the three-dimensional configuration. Which solution works betteraccording to the STRESS value and R2?

e. Repeat the analysis, this time looking for similarities between respondents for the ten sports on two-dimensions

f. How many clusters of consumers appear from the graph?

g. Run a principal component analysis on the 50 consumers (hint – transpose the data-set), extract the first two components and run a cluster analysis. Do results look similar to the ones of MDS?

h. Save the final co-ordinates and compute the bivariate correlations with the expert panel evaluations


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