

Using the Program Design and Methodology as described in your proposal, create data that you might expect to receive if you really did use the questionnaire and sample design you developed. Generate Excel spreadsheets that show data tables grouping the data in appropriate columns (categories/variables), e.g. product, geography, customer type, age group, distribution type, etc. which can be placed in banners at the head of the tables.


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Customer Satisfaction Survey

  1. What gender do you identify as?”
  1. Male
    B. Female
    C. ________ (Short Answer Space)
    D. Prefer not to answer.
  1. “What is your age?”

0 – 15 years old
B. 15 – 30 years old
C. 30 – 45 years old
D. 45+

3. “Please specify your ethnicity.”

  1. Caucasian
    B. African-American
    C. Latino or Hispanic
    D. Asian
    E. Native American
    F. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
    G. Two or More
    H. Other/Unknown
    I. Prefer not to say. Prefer not to answer

4. Where is your home located?”

A. North America/Central America
B. South America
C. Europe
D. Africa
E. Asia
F. Australia
G. Caribbean Islands
H. Pacific Islands
I. Other: ______
J. Prefer not to say

“What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?”

  1. A. Some High School
    B. High School
    C. Bachelor’s Degree
    D. Master’s Degree
    E. Ph.D. or higher
    F. Trade School
    G. Prefer not to say

“Are you married?”

  1. A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Prefer not to say
  2. Would expanding loyalty program to include discounts on products effect brand loyalty? YES OR NO
  3. Would expanding loyalty program give more coupons in a year? YES OR NO
  4. Would more exclusive deals or coupons bring a better customer experience? YES OR NO
  5. Would the coupon emails increase sales with use of those coupons? YES OR NO

“What is your annual household income?”

  1. A. Less than $25,000
    B. $25,000 – $50,000
    C. $50,000 – $100,000
    D. $100,000 – $200,000
    E. More than $200,000
    F. Prefer not to say

What is your current employment status?”

  1. A. Employed Full-Time
    B. Employed Part-Time
    C. Seeking opportunities
    D. Retired
    E. Prefer not to say

How many children do you have?”

  1. A. None
    B. 1
    C. 2-4

D. More than 4
E. Prefer not to say

“Are you registered to vote in ____?”

  1. A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Prefer not to say

“Which languages are you capable of speaking fluently? (Check all that apply)”

  1. A. English
    B. Spanish
    C. Portuguese
    D. French
    E. Mandarin
    F. Arabic
    G. Other
    H. Prefer not to say


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