

True False Statements (3 marks each)

16. Common markets have harmonization of all economic policies. (True/ False)
17. One advantage of joining currency union is price transparency. (True False)
18. Trade bloc is not designed to discriminate. (True/False)
19. The size of the business generally matters when it comes to the economies of scale. (True/ False
20. Trade barriers reduces both tariffs and non-tariff barriers. (True False)
21. NAFTA was created before CUSFTA. (True/False)
22. The World Trade Organization refers to the unilateral trade agreements as preferential tra agreements. (True/ False)
23. Free trade does not encourage urbanization. (True False)
24. Common market allows for free movement of people and factors of production. (True False)
25. One gain of internal trade is it increases competition. (True False) True False Statements (3 marks each)
16. Common markets have harmonization of all economic policies. (True/ False)
17. One advantage of joining a currency union is price transparency. (True False)
18. Trade bloc is not designed to discriminate. (True/False)
19. The size of the business generally matters when it comes to economies of scale. (True-False)

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