

Good Health, a pharmaceutical company specializing in vitamin-based syrups, capsules and tablets, has a significant market in South India. In North India, its presence is limited only to the major cities. Though an established company, Good Health has not been able to increase its profits owing to intense competition and wafer-thin margins in this segment. Now the company management wants to diversify into a new business. To this end, it has analysed current business trends and identified grooming services for men as the next big thing. This is a niche market with no big players. The company wants to target the middle-income youth, employees and business segments. It wants to leverage its position as a corporate and make a big entry into this segment. The management plans to open exclusive boutiques for men in all the major cities in the first phase. After consolidating its position, it plans to extend its services to smaller cities and towns in the second phase.
Having identified the business segment and the target market, the management wants to decide on a suitable brand name for its range of services. The managers are divided in their choice of a brand name. Some managers argue that the existing corporate name could be projected as the brand name so that there is no confusion. According to them, the name Good Health also suits the business as health and beauty are correlated. Some managers maintain that consumers may perceive it as a medical treatment if the company name is used while others claim that people may not relate to the name Good Health as it is generic.
Brand positioning is identified as the next major problem. How to ensure that this unconventional range of services appeals to the males in the target segment? The positioning has to be such that it stimulates the latent need among males and generates social pride. The management has assigned the task to a consultant to suggest a business plan particularly for branding and positioning.

 1. Do you support the idea of business diversification to male grooming services?

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2. Is it proper to use the company name as the brand name for the proposed business?

3. What should be the criteria for selecting brand elements in this case?

4. What positioning strategy would work for the new business?


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