

What departments are items purchased from most frequently (individually and in combination)?

What departments do females purchase from most frequently (individually and in combination)?

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What departments do males purchase from most frequently (individually and in combination)?

What departments do 20 to 30 year-olds purchase from most frequently (individually and in combination)?

What departments do 40 to 50 year-olds purchase from most frequently (individually and in combination)?

What departments do 60 to 70 year-olds purchase from most frequently (individually and in combination)?

Best rules found for ALL customer transactions:

1. butchershop=Y papergoods=Y 548 ==> deli=Y 524 lift:(1.16) lev:(0.07) [71] conv:(3.84) 2. bakery=Y cannedgoods=Y 551 ==> deli=Y 523 lift:(1.15) lev:(0.07) [68] conv:(3.32) 3. butchershop=Y cannedgoods=Y 550 ==> deli=Y 521 lift:(1.15) lev:(0.07) [67] conv:(3.21) 4. fruits&vegs=Y bakery=Y 577 ==> deli=Y 545 lift:(1.14) lev:(0.07) [68] conv:(3.06) 5. cannedgoods=Y papergoods=Y 552 ==> deli=Y 521 lift:(1.14) lev:(0.07) [65] conv:(3.02) 6. papergoods=Y 646 ==> deli=Y 609 lift:(1.14) lev:(0.08) [76] conv:(2.98) 7. bakery=Y cannedgoods=Y 551 ==> fruits&vegs=Y 519 lift:(1.36) lev:(0.14) [136] conv:(5.09) 8. bakery=Y 729 ==> deli=Y 686 lift:(1.14) lev:(0.08) [84] conv:(2.9) 9. fishmkt=Y papergoods=Y 535 ==> deli=Y 503 lift:(1.14) lev:(0.06) [61] conv:(2.84) 10. bakery=Y health&beauty=Y 601 ==> deli=Y 562 lift:(1.13) lev:(0.07) [66] conv:(2.63) Best rules found for Male customers transactions: 1. deli=Y 297 ==> gender=M 297 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 2. beerbar=Y 264 ==> gender=M 264 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 3. deli=Y beerbar=Y 252 ==> gender=M 252 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 4. bakery=Y 237 ==> gender=M 237 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 5. deli=Y bakery=Y 227 ==> gender=M 227 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 6. bakery=Y 237 ==> deli=Y 227 lift:(1.01) lev:(0.01) [2] conv:(1.17) 7. gender=M bakery=Y 237 ==> deli=Y 227 lift:(1.01) lev:(0.01) [2] conv:(1.17) 8. bakery=Y 237 ==> gender=M deli=Y 227 lift:(1.01) lev:(0.01) [2] conv:(1.17) 9. beerbar=Y 264 ==> deli=Y 252 lift:(1.01) lev:(0.01) [2] conv:(1.1) 10. gender=M beerbar=Y 264 ==> deli=Y 252 lift:(1.01) lev:(0.01) [2] conv:(1.1) Best rules found for Female customers transactions: 1. fishmkt=Y 653 ==> gender=F 653 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 2. health&beauty=Y 586 ==> gender=F 586 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 3. fruits&vegs=Y 577 ==> gender=F 577 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 4. cannedgoods=Y 577 ==> gender=F 577 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 5. fishmkt=Y health&beauty=Y 558 ==> gender=F 558 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 6. fruits&vegs=Y fishmkt=Y 549 ==> gender=F 549 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 7. health&beauty=Y 586 ==> fishmkt=Y 558 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0.97) 8. gender=F health&beauty=Y 586 ==> fishmkt=Y 558 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0.97) 9. health&beauty=Y 586 ==> gender=F fishmkt=Y 558 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0.97) 10. gender=F 686 ==> fishmkt=Y 653 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0.97) Best rules found for 20–30-year-olds customer transactions: 1. deli=Y 246 ==> agegrp=2030s 246 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 2. fishmkt=Y 220 ==> agegrp=2030s 220 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 3. milk&dairy=Y 210 ==> agegrp=2030s 210 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 4. deli=Y fishmkt=Y 210 ==> agegrp=2030s 210 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 5. beerbar=Y 209 ==> agegrp=2030s 209 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 6. cheeseshop=Y 206 ==> agegrp=2030s 206 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 7. agegrp=2030s 257 ==> deli=Y 246 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0.92) 8. fishmkt=Y 220 ==> deli=Y 210 lift:(1) lev:(-0) [0] conv:(0.86) 9. agegrp=2030s fishmkt=Y 220 ==> deli=Y 210 lift:(1) lev:(-0) [0] conv:(0.86) 10. fishmkt=Y 220 ==> agegrp=2030s deli=Y 210 lift:(1) lev:(-0) [0] conv:(0.86) Best rules found for 40-50-year-olds customer transactions: 1. cannedgoods=Y 237 ==> agegrp=4050s 237 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 2. fruits&vegs=Y 234 ==> agegrp=4050s 234 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 3. coffeeshop=Y 231 ==> agegrp=4050s 231 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 4. fruits&vegs=Y cannedgoods=Y 223 ==> agegrp=4050s 223 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 5. cannedgoods=Y coffeeshop=Y 221 ==> agegrp=4050s 221 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 6. fruits&vegs=Y coffeeshop=Y 217 ==> agegrp=4050s 217 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 7. winecellar=Y 212 ==> agegrp=4050s 212 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 8. coffeeshop=Y 231 ==> cannedgoods=Y 221 lift:(1.01) lev:(0) [1] conv:(1.01) 9. agegrp=4050s coffeeshop=Y 231 ==> cannedgoods=Y 221 lift:(1.01) lev:(0) [1] conv:(1.01) 10. coffeeshop=Y 231 ==> agegrp=4050s cannedgoods=Y 221 lift:(1.01) lev:(0) [1] conv:(1.01) Best rules found for 60–70-year-olds customer transactions: 1. health&beauty=Y 430 ==> agegrp=6070s 430 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 2. deli=Y 380 ==> agegrp=6070s 380 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 3. winecellar=Y 380 ==> agegrp=6070s 380 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 4. bakery=Y 372 ==> agegrp=6070s 372 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 5. winecellar=Y health&beauty=Y 360 ==> agegrp=6070s 360 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 6. deli=Y bakery=Y 349 ==> agegrp=6070s 349 lift:(1) lev:(0) [0] conv:(0) 7. winecellar=Y 380 ==> health&beauty=Y 360 lift:(1.09) lev:(0.06) [29] conv:(2.34) 8. agegrp=6070s winecellar=Y 380 ==> health&beauty=Y 360 lift:(1.09) lev:(0.06) [29] conv:(2.34) 9. winecellar=Y 380 ==> agegrp=6070s health&beauty=Y 360 lift:(1.09) lev:(0.06) [29] conv:(2.34) 10. bakery=Y 372 ==> deli=Y 349 lift:(1.22) lev:(0.13) [62] conv:(3.58)


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