

Consider the organisation that you are currently working for or one that you are familiar with. This organisation should be involved in the storage or transport of products by land, air or sea modes, and should highly value the ability to track and trace the shipments for its customers. You have been tasked to relate suitable asset tracking technologies that can enable (or has enabled) this organisation to improve its security, efficiencies, and visibility of operations.

(a) Relate this organisation you have chosen in terms of the supply chain it supports and the role that it plays in the supply chain.
(b) The control tower provides the capability for tracking information and product flows along with costs by monitoring critical processes in the supply chain. Discuss the functions of a control tower. Your answer should include three (3) functions.
(c) Although an integrated information system improves the operation efficiencies in the supply chain, companies are suspicious about new technologies and hesitant to share data with other parties. Particularly, issues such as information security arise with the use of data exchanges. Evaluate three (3) advantages and one (1) risk of implementing blockchain technology.

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