

The condominium at the beach that you want to buy costs $249,500. You plan to make a cash down payment of 10 percent and finance the balance over 10 years at 6.75 percent. What will be the amount of your monthly mortgage payment?


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Corner Restaurant is considering a project with an initial cost of $211,600. The project will not produce any cash flows for the first three years. Starting in Year 4, the project will produce cash inflows of $151,000 a year for three years. This project is risky, so the firm has assigned it a discount rate of 18.0 percent. What is the project’s net present value? (if it is negative use – sign.) dollars
You will receive annual payments of $4,200 at the end of each year for ten years. The first payment will be received in year 3. What is the present value of these payments if the discount rate is 9 percent?


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