

The following tables shows the mean returns and closing share prices yesterday of 2 stocks, Unley and Hess, and their variance-covariance matrix.

Variance-Covariance Matrix
Assets Mean Return Closing Price Unley Hess
Unley 10% $20 Unley 0.04
Hess 20% $60 Hess –0.006 0.09

The risk free borrowing rate is 4% and risk free lending rate is 2.5% respectively.

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Using Excel Solver, the T1 and T2 tangential portfolios using investments in Unley and Hess are as follows:

T1 T2
Unley 0.511475 0.484756
Hess 0.488525 0.515244
Mean Return 0.148852 0.151524
Standard Deviation 0.170132 0.174055

a) Using investments in Unley and Hess only, show how you can construct portfolio A that has the lowest risk. What are the weights of Unley and Hess in portfolio A? How many stocks each of Unley and Hess should be purchased to construct a $100,000 portfolio A? What is the expected return and standard deviation of portfolio A?

b) Using investments in Unley and Hess only, show how you can construct portfolio B that generates an expected return of 23%. What are the weights of Unley and Hess in portfolio B? What is the standard deviation of portfolio B?

c) Allowing risk free borrowing and/or lending, and investments in Unley and Hess, show how you can construct portfolio C that also generates an expected return of 23% but has lower risks than portfolio B. What are the weights of each investment that make up portfolio C? Show the amount invested in each asset to produce a $100,000 portfolio C. What is the standard deviation of portfolio C?
(Leave your answers to 4 decimal places)


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