Can Eating Insects Save The World?

Can Eating Insects Save The World?.

  • Watch the BBC documentary, “Can Eating Insects Save the World?” (59 min).
  • Copy the questions below and answer them in the text box. You can also copy and paste from the file provided.
  • THIS IS A WRITING ASSIGNMENT so take care in preparing your responses. There should be at least 5 paragraphs and 350-500 words in total.
  1. List and discuss the health benefits of eating insects.
  2. List and discuss the benefit(s) to the environment.
  3. List and discuss the impact(s) on the planet and the human population.
  4. Can you think of some disadvantages of eating insects? Do a bit of research to verify your claim either way. Briefly present your evidence in support of your answer.
  5. Are spiders insects? Explain.BIO 10

    Can Eating Insects Save the World?

    Due: Monday, Dec 10, 2018, 11:59pm

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    · Watch the documentary (59 min):

    · Answer the 6 questions below. Copy and paste the entire section, including questions onto Canvas for submission.


    Short answer questions:

    Keep your answers to a few sentences each. #4 can be a little longer.


    1) List and discuss the health benefits of eating insects.



    2) List and discuss the benefit(s) to the environment.



    3) List and discuss the impact(s) on the planet and the human population.



    4) Can you think of some disadvantages of eating insects? Do a bit of research to verify your claim either way. Briefly present your evidence in support of your answer.



    5) Are spiders insects? Explain.

Can Eating Insects Save The World?

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