Cycle Ergometer and Step Submaximal Graded Exercise Tests

Cycle Ergometer and Step Submaximal Graded Exercise Tests.

LAB 2​​

Demonstration of Cycle Ergometer and Step Submaximal Graded Exercise Tests


This laboratory experience is designed to illustrate the pretesting, testing, and posttesting procedures for conducting a submaximal graded exercise test (GXT) on the cycle ergometer and step and to develop your skill in administering these tests.


· Stationary cycle ergometer

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· Step with risers

· HR monitor

· Sphygmomanometer

· Metronome

Student Assignments

1. Select one apparently healthy student to serve as the client.

2. Select one or two students to prep the client for the test.

3. Assign one student to monitor and collect HR data from HR monitor.

4. Select one student to measure palpated HRs.

5. Select one student to measure BPs.

6. Select one student to set and monitor work rates on cycle ergometer.

7. Select one student to monitor client throughout test and to obtain client’s RPE.

Testing Procedures

1. Select an appropriate cycle ergometer protocol for the client.

2. Prepare the client for the test, explain purpose and nature of the GXT, measure height and body weight, position electrodes, and calculate target HR for test termination if required by the GXT protocol.

3. Collect resting data. Measure resting HR using palpation and HR monitor. Measure resting BP using auscultatory method.

4. Collect exercise data. Measure exercise HR every minute using palpation and HR monitor. Measure exercise BP during last 2 min of each stage of test. Ask client for RPE during last minute of each stage of test. Closely monitor client throughout test, checking for signs and symptoms that indicate the test should be terminated. Make certain that client achieves a steady-state HR during the last 2 min of each stage (HR values within ±5 to 6 bpm) before increasing the work rate.

5. Continue GXT until test protocol is completed or target exercise HR is achieved, or HR, BP data indicate test should be stopped, or client voluntarily terminates the test.

6. Collect recovery data for 3 to 5 min. Measure recovery HR every minute using palpation and HR monitor. Measure recovery BP every 2 to 3 min.

Data Analysis

1. Use the HR and work rate data from the last two exercise stages to estimate the client’s VO2max using the multistage method. Hint: Use the ACSM cycle ergometry equation (see table 4.3) to calculate the metabolic cost for the last two exercise stages. Note: Use ACSM equation only if client obtained steady state (i.e., HRs during last 2 min of each stage are within ±5 to 6 bpm) for the last two stages of the GXT.

2. Graph the HR versus energy cost (ml · kg-1 · min-1) data for the last two stages. Estimate the client’s VO2max using the graphing method.

3. Determine the client’s cardiorespiratory fitness level by classifying the estimated VO2max (see table 4.1).

4. Graph the client’s HR response during each minute of exercise and recovery. Plot HR on the y-axis and time on the x-axis.

5. Extra credit: Correlate the client’s exercise HRs obtained from palpation and the HR monitor using the Pearson product-moment correlation technique (rx,y).

Data Collection Form for Cycle Ergometer and Step Submaximal Graded Exercise Test

Client’s Demographics

Name ____________________ Date _________
Age ___32__ yr Body weight _80___ kg
Height __174___ cm  

Resting Data

HR ____86__ bpm

BP ____125/80__ mmHg

GXT Test 1 Data: Astrand-Rhyming Cycle Ergometer Test

Protocol __________________

Target HR for test termination (if needed) ________ bpm

Minute Work rate HR palpated HR monitored RPE Systolic BP Diastolic BP
  kgm · min-1 Watt          
1       140   140 80
2       148   160 85
        152   165 80
4       156   160 80
5       160   160 75
6       160   140 80

Recovery Data HR Sys Dys

1         139 120 80
2         120 120 80
3         115 110 70

Reasons for stopping the test:

GXT Test 2 Data: Harvard Step Test

Protocol __________________

Target HR for test termination (if needed) ___188_____ bpm

Minute Work rate HR palpated HR monitored RPE Systolic BP Diastolic BP
  kgm · min-1 Watt          
1       162      
2       180      
3       189      
4       189      
5       191      

Recovery Data


Reasons for stopping the test:

Converting predicted VO2 max values from absolute (L/min) to relative (ml/kg/min).

mL/min = L/min *1000

mL/kg/min = mL/ body weight in kg

Ex. An 80 kg man achieved a peak VO2 of 4.7 L/min

4700 mL/min = 4.7 L/min *1000

58.75 mL/kg/min = 4700 mL/min/ 80kg

Lab report: Due October 15

This lab is a comparison between the submaximal step test and submaximal bike test. You will be comparing your data and evaluating results from each test.

5 From V. Heyward and A. Gibson. 2014, Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription instructor guide, 7th ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).

Cycle Ergometer and Step Submaximal Graded Exercise Tests

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