homework help 22754

homework help 22754.

For this assignment

Observe your clasroom teacher conducting a social studies lesson. Make note of how the following methods and processes are implemented and nurtured: active learning, integrated subject areas, meaning and relevance, high interest and engagement, social and participatory skills, attitudes and values, critical thinking, and concept formation.

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Interview the classroom teacher to learn more about the social studies classroom using the following:

  1. How long have you been teaching and in what grade levels?
  2. What factors did you consider when setting up your classroom environment?
  3. How did you build a sensitive and caring classroom learning community?
  4. What challenges have you encountered when working in your current classroom?
  5. How did you establish and manage daily routines and transitions?
  6. What do you feel are the most important components of social studies lesson?
  7. What instructional strategies do you use and why?
  8. How do you differentiate instruction based on the needs of your students?
  9. What resources and technology do you use and why?
  10. How do you use assessment to drive your instruction?

Include two additional interview questions based on your observation.

Write a 750-1,000-word summary and analysis of the following:

Summary of the lesson observed

  1. Age group
  2. Teacher’s instructional approach and practices
  3. Students’ responses

Analysis of the lesson observed

  1. Effectiveness of the lesson
  2. What would you change?
  3. What components of the classroom environment are appropriate for the age group? Or are not?
  4. How the following were implemented and nurtured: active learning, integrated subject areas, meaning and relevance, high interest and engagement, social and participatory skills, attitudes and values, critical thinking, and concept formation.

Summary of teacher interview responses

Include all questions and responses

Analysis of teacher interview responses

  1. What did you learn from the responses?
  2. How will what you learned effect your future classroom?

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines 

homework help 22754

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