Analyze the company: “Revolut”

Analyze the company: “Revolut”.

Question 1 – Revolut: Analyze the company: “Revolut” utilizing the business model. Please use the different sections of the business model canvas to explore the business model of Revolut. In what ways does the business model of Revolut differ to that of an incumbent offering similar services in the sector, and why would customers choose Revolut’s service over that of an incumbent? Why has Revolut been able to offer products/services in this way and the incumbents have not? Question 2 – AliPay:[25 marks] Use Porter’s Five Forces to analyse the industry segment that Alipay is operating in. Using each of Porters Five Forces, please analyse the industry segment that the FinTech company “AliPay” is operating in and indicate to what degree each of the forces influences competitive advantage and profitability of the sector/company. Based on your analysis of the sector, is the overall profitability/competitive advantage of the sector high, medium or low, and why? What do you think about the outlook for the profitability of the sector and why? Question 3 – Fintech VC: [40 marks] Explain how as a successful Fintech “START UP” you would signal or appeal to prospective investors “venture Capitalist” that you have a realistic understanding of the opportunities ahead of you, and that they will be able to make money on the deal? Explain the attributes of a Fintech start up in terms of attractiveness and strengths of its business model and the Fintech industry while mentioning the risks that come with it and how you intend to address them. You can use examples of other Fintech start ups to support the different arguments in the question. Explain what would appeal for investors in a Fintech start up e.g. originality of idea, profitability, web security, sustainability, competitive advantage, opportunity to grow, competitiveness in industry and more (use whichever you find appealing to an investor). Student comments: Please use financial terms in the field of FinTech “such as discussing block chains, if necessary” to support any points made in this paper. Finally, Do NOT Cite full text books, only cite sources that are readily available for everyone. Please DO keep the paper relevant to the subject of Fintech and avoid open ended statements that are not specific to the company and the field of study. Use more sources if necessary.

Analyze the company: “Revolut”

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