Feminism and gender
Feminism and gender.
Feminism and gender
Option #1 A memo is a one-paragraph “thick” summary of each of that week’s assigned chapter readings (homework). By “thick” summaries, I mean that your memos are to be informative accounts of the main ideas presented in that particular reading. DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT YOUR OPINIONS! Just stick to the author’s ideas. Don’t list each main idea one at a time. Your summary is supposed to synthesize, or integrate, the big idea (or ideas) from the chapter into one clear and coherent story about the information presented in the chapter – IN YOUR OWN WORDS. A great summary conveys as much information as possible with the least amount of words. A terrible summary takes up space and conveys little or no evidence that a student did the reading. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT YOURSELF OR YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES IN YOUR SUMMARIES! Essentially, the purpose of a memo is to prove to me that you read the chapter and worked hard to understand the authors’ ideas. Since there are many ideas presented in a chapter, and a single memo cannot capture all of them, you have to prioritize the most important ideas in the chapter and focus on them in your memo. Include at least 1-2 sentences that tie everything together into one overall main idea. So, in general, you’ll summarize 3-4 important individual ideas, and then one overall idea. Minimum length of a memo (for option #1): 250 words Option #2 You may opt to write your memo by writing a one to two sentence summary for each section in the chapter. Chapter 1 has 16 sections. Thus, you would be responsible for 16 one to two sentence summaries for Chapter 1. Most importantly, you are to write these summaries IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Summaries should “synthesize” the main ideas of the section, and not “track” each sentence of the section. Minimum length: at least as many sentences as there are sections in the chapter (look at Chapter 1 and its 16 sections to see what I mean). As is true for option #1, the essential point of a memo is to prove to me that you did the reading and put in the effort to understand the author’s/authors’ ideas.
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