An ideal classroom within an ideal school: Developing a global community of open-minded individuals.

An ideal classroom within an ideal school: Developing a global community of open-minded individuals..

An ideal classroom within an ideal school: Developing a global community of open-minded individuals.


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REVISION Client: Dear Writer, I truly appreciate the time you spent on writing my essya so first of all a big thank you! 1. The first part of the introduction is made up of short and rather clumsy sentences that are not always connected with the following sentences. May I ask that you please structure them to allow the reading to flow nicer. 2. The first part of the Scaffolding knowledge/Constructivism Paragraph is false because the theory is based on how people acquire knowlesge, nothing else. This needs to be modified please. 3. There is a strong repetition of the same words :”open-minded’ and ‘global community” could you please find other ways of saying it 4. Please criticize AND praise authors of some of the quotes that you have used 5. Please make sure the essay is a maximum of 3200 words 6. The reference needs to be on the left margin as required according to Harvard Standards 7. The sections “Factors that influence teaching and learning” and “IBDP Traits” are far too descriptive. when you write this section again, please synthesize (fact+quote+opinion) relating the essay question to these factors and traits . 8. Please add a paragraph: – Bottery – all teachers are bound to assume a particular range of values in their own approach to teaching – May result in difficulties transferring educational practices from one cultural context to another – Influence of different cultures and mentalities – Comparison of different educational systems – Sweden/Hungary/Germany/Cuba/China – Benefits of education collaborating together across nations – Extent to which I believe international mindedness should be promoted – Ways in which a curriculum can promote a sense of international mindedness – Hidden Curriculum (intentional and unintentional) – Key elements of the curriculum that emphasize on international-mindedness – Types of specialized knowledge students would need to know to be classified as open-minded 10. Please revise the conclusion as it is rather weak: – I have reflected upon the aims of the school curriculum and some of its individual aspects – I have thought about some of the ways in which children can learn in unintended ways at school; – I have considered the relevance of the curriculum in a changing world; – ways in which the varying attitudes of teachers in different countries might present problems for an international course like this one and about the benefits which cross-cultural and cross-system collaboration can bring. – Although there are clearly difficulties involved in the transfer of teaching techniques and recommendations for classroom practice from one cultural context to another, there are also many advantages involved in looking at educational issues from an international perspective. – Thesis of points and evidence that was covered throughout the essay All of the resources that you will need to use in this essay have been attached as a PDF file or are in a link Please do not use any other ones, the essay plan is the first document “Plan – Assessment 1” and the “potential paragraph structure” PDF should be the layout each section of the essay corresponds to a set of PDF that has been attached. You do not need to do any further research Instructions: follow the essay plan, follow the potential paragraph structure layout, respect the marking criteria, respect the word count (3000 words)

An ideal classroom within an ideal school: Developing a global community of open-minded individuals.

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