90’s Hip Hop
90’s Hip Hop.
ils Choose a musical repertoire or genre and prepare a Research Paper and Presentation. How does the repertoire you’ve chosen relate to issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, or other definers of identity? Bear in mind that while lyrics and performance are important, you must address musical issues as well. Cite 3-4 scholarly articles using MLA style formatting as your resources for the background paper. Provide a listening example of the genre that can be played by your classmates. Include lyrics, if your music has lyrics, and some guide or explanation of the music itself that guides the listeners through the performance. Videos found online may be used if the video enhances or explains the music in some way. If a video of the performance is used, a listening guide should be provided as well In addition to the Research Paper, you will also be creating a presentation (including a playlist) for your fellow classmates to read and hear. In the Module 7 Discussion Board, you will post a brief description of your project and attach the Research Paper and Presentation (including music sample). Then, read at least two of your classmates’ presentations, listen to their music samples, and post your comments.
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