Operation mgmt in a company

Operation mgmt in a company.

Operation mgmt in a company A

Paper instruction The class will write a paper containing a study of how a real-life organization(s) use(d) one of the techniques identified in the class, or a similar technique approved by the instructor. Please insure that you follow academic writing procedure using MLA style, and use the appropriate presentation process and available technology in the classroom. 1.Discussion on the industry of the company and company’s history 2.using value chain to place subject matter Typical Goods-Producing Supply Chain Structure 3.An Input-Output Framework of a Value Chain 4.using portal model 5.old system (the beginning of the company use what kind of old system to run the company) 6.new system ( Nowadays the company use what kind of the new system to improve the company ) List benefit, disadvantage and advantage 7.supply chain A book will be send through email as reference to use for the paper. Data need to be provided in the paper and use the models in book. Select one of the chapter to be you main topic for that company.

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Operation mgmt in a company

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