As senior leaders, Sergeants Major assess the ethical climates of their organizations, not based on instincts or prior experiences alone, but through employment of a series of perspectives and concepts in a structured way. Beyond this, they must be prepar
As senior leaders, Sergeants Major assess the ethical climates of their organizations, not based on instincts or prior experiences alone, but through employment of a series of perspectives and concepts in a structured way. Beyond this, they must be prepar.
Assignment: Write a 5-7 page essay (not including cover and references page) addressing an ethical issue facing the army, illustrate the root cause(s) and its impact on the force, and present your solution for addressing the root cause(s). The numeric grade for writing assignments will be based on how well the student writes to persuade by constructing a focused thesis, introducing and supporting major points, following a logical sequence and transitioning between points, providing analysis with factual data, summarizing and concluding, writing to collegiate standards of grammar and style, and limiting the amount of quoted material in the essay. GENERAL All writing assignments will have a thesis statement consisting of a clearly defined stance or position on the topic. Your thesis must be focused and included as the last sentence of your introduction section (also restated in your conclusion section). The thesis statement must be able to stand alone and should not rely on information stated previously in the introduction for clarity. • American Psychological Association (APA) style is the standard format for all writing assignments (Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) is your primary source). Assignment length requirements for each assignment are for the essay only and do not include the title page, abstract (if required), or references section. No use of pictures, diagrams, charts, or sketches within the body of the essay (may include as appendices). Minimum of four Level One headings including the Conclusion. 70% of the possible points for the assignment constitutes a passing grade. TITLE PAGE (see Purdue OWL online for correct APA format) Place “Running head: ESSAY TITLE†and page # in the header Centered on the title page: o Essay title (Use Title Case) o Student name (ex: MSG John A. Doe) o United States Army Sergeants Major Academy o SMC-DL Class ## o Facilitator name (ex: SGM Jennifer Hall) o Assignment Due Date (ex: 15 August 2017) INTRODUCTION • Include an introduction section (1-2 paragraphs) headed with the title of the paper (NOT “Introductionâ€) and place your thesis statement as the last sentence in this section. BODY • You must support a position regarding the topic you select. • Begin with main points as level one headings, have a clear introduction of major points that are relevant to your thesis. • Discuss multiple points of view as applicable. • Sequence major and minor points effectively to support your purpose. • Clear reasoning must illustrate how the evidence supports the main points & thesis. • Use transitions that effectively connect your major/minor points. CONCLUSION • This section is identified using the word “Conclusion†as a level one heading. • Include the restated thesis in this section (some writing professionals recommend beginning the conclusion with your restated thesis, then summarizing your support – but you may place it anywhere within the conclusion). • Reinforce the thesis by summarizing major points of your essay and illustrating how the evidence supports your position. • Should be well structured and fully justified by the evidence and reasoning. • Do not introduce new ideas or opinions in the conclusion. REFERENCES • FOR ALL WRITING ASSIGNMENTS, include a minimum of three credible published sources that you cite in your essay and list in the references. Any personal communication citations do not count as one of the three published sources required. • List all cited sources in accordance with APA standards (see Purdue OWL). STYLE AND GRAMMAR • Write using active voice. • Sentences and paragraphs should be fully developed, clear, and concise. • Ideas must be clearly articulated and writing should be easily understood in a single reading. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT: Upload ALL writing assignments as a Word Document file. This allows our faculty to provide efficient feedback within your essay. ï± Typed ï± Double-spaced ï± Standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) ï± 1″ margins on all sides ï± Size 12 pt. Times New Roman font ï± Use flush-left alignment and ragged right; do not divide words at the end of the line. ï± Indent paragraphs five spaces (Set the tab key) ï± Use two spaces at the end of a sentence. ï± Abbreviations: The first time you use a term, spell it out in full, followed by its abbreviation in parentheses; thereafter, you may use the abbreviation only.
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