LP 1020 British Politics since 1945
LP 1020 British Politics since 1945.
Part II: Foreign Relations
Assessment for this part of the module is by Essay (2,000 words), with FREE choice of topic within the framework of the module title British Foreign Relations since 1945, whether covered by teaching or not.
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The only criteria whether a topic is acceptable or not are:
1) Territorial Scope: The topic must at least in a substantial part refer to Britain as an actor in Foreign / International Relations (i.e., no purely domestic topics, and no IR topics not involving Britain).
2) Time Frame: The events or developments to be analysed must have taken place after 8 May 1945 (VE Day). N.B. Please discuss any problems arising from this rule with the lecturer; some immediate post-war topics may require references to decisions taken earlier (e.g., Atlantic Charter 1941 stating the principle of decolonisation).
3) Argumentative Core: The aim of the essay is to develop an argument of your own: why is it interesting and worthwhile investigating this topic? Are there lessons to be learned for current or future foreign policy decision-making? Please pick a topic which allows you to develop such a line of argument.
4) Feasibility/Resources: When trying to formulate your topic, please be realistic and check whether it’s feasible for you to find sufficient good-quality information within the time available.
Also, please don’t convolute the phrasing, but ensure that the working title of your essay indicates both the main intended contents of the investigation, and (unless self-evident) a definition of the period investigated. Please note that the title may be in the form of a question, but doesn’t have to be.
LP 1020 British Politics since 1945
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