How was Iran’s economy affected after the nuclear deal was withdrawn?

How was Iran’s economy affected after the nuclear deal was withdrawn?.

How was Iran’s economy affected after the nuclear deal was withdrawn? 

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Students work together to research and profile a policy within given context. The policy may be economic, social or political in nature. However, groups are expected to apply microeconomic tools to assess the economic impact of the chosen policy. The choice of policy and context is left to groups to decide for themselves. They may choose to study a single policy within a specific country, presenting an analysis of the situation prior to and after the inception of the policy. Alternatively, they may choose to study the effect of similar policies in two different country contexts, presenting an analysis of why the effects may have differed. Finally, they may if they choose to, assess the possible impact of a new policy in a specific country context. Grading Criteria (What constitutes a good assignment?): Grading criteria judge the following: Adequacy of research. Evidence of sufficient breadth and depth of research and sufficient and appropriate sources and data. Please cite at least 5 different sources, with at least one from a peer-reviewed journal or published book. Data sources must be clearly identified. The report must contain a reference list or bibliography. Please use in-text citation, any established style (Harvard, APA, Chicago etc.) Use of Concepts: The report must make specific reference to microeconomic concepts, frameworks and theories introduced during the course. Graphs and Figures: The report must contain at least one graph and one figure. Where the graph may illustrate a concept or represent actual data relationships such as a trend-line, bar chart, scatter plot etc. The figure may be a map, photo, or drawing etc. Please label figures and graphs and cite data sources. Form: Is the report clear, professional, logical and well presented (verbal and written format)

How was Iran’s economy affected after the nuclear deal was withdrawn?

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