Race/Ethnicity and Court Processing

Race/Ethnicity and Court Processing.

Race/Ethnicity and Court Processing: Many people think of the courtroom as a place of impartiality and fairness, but as you’ve learned, this isn’t always the case. Drawing on course readings, documentaries, lectures, and discussions, write a paper describing the importance of race/ethnicity and class (i.e., socioeconomic status) in criminal court processing. In doing so, you should discuss how Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics/Latinx fare during the pretrial phase (e.g., pretrial detention/release, attorney type, plea bargaining, etc.) and later stages (e.g., trial and sentencing). Based on course content and your own ideas, propose 3 ways to reduce race/ethnic and/or class bias in criminal court processing. Papers must draw from course lectures and discussions and the relevant chapter(s) in Walker, Spohn, & DeLone’s (2018) The Color of Justice. Sources: All papers must draw from course readings, lectures, and discussions. You are strongly encouraged to draw from supplemental readings related to your topic, and you are welcome to use reliable, scholarly or governmental sources not assigned in class. However, do not use websites or other sources that are not scholarly or governmental. Papers must draw from course lectures and discussions and the relevant chapter(s) in Walker, Spohn, & DeLone’s (2018) The Color of Justice

Race/Ethnicity and Court Processing

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