“Margin Call”

“Margin Call”.

Please watch “Margin Call” and write a 1000-word essay on ONE of the following topics: 1. Discuss personal and structural sources of power and tactics of influence of John Tuld (CEO), Jared Cohen (head of fixed income), and Sam Rogers (head of trading floor). Link your analysis to the concepts in Chapter 7 (personal and structural sources of power, pp. 211-216, 8th edition) and Chapter 8 (influence tactics, pp. 250-265, 8th edition). 2. Discuss task-related and relationship-oriented behaviors as well as leadership styles of John Tuld (CEO) and Sam Rogers (head of trading floor). In the analysis use concepts from Chapter 4 (pp. 112-121, 124-137, 8th edition). 3. Please analyze factors contributing to ethical differences (Chapter 6, pp. 182-185, 8th edition) of John Tuld (CEO), Jared Cohen (head of fixed income), and Sam Rogers (head of trading floor). In addition, please discuss both ethical and unethical political tactics (Chapter 7, pp. 225-238, 8th edition) used by these three characters when making important decisions including but not limited to layoffs and fire sale of financial instruments. Remember, that you have to link your analysis to the concepts discussed in the book. You also need to back up your reasoning with the examples from the film. In the first sentence, please state clearly which topic you chose for your paper. “Margin Call” is a 2011 film directed by J. C. Chandor and available on course reserves in the library (4 hour reserve). You can also watch it on several online platforms (for a fee, though).

“Margin Call”

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