Research a human service organization in your community.

Research a human service organization in your community..

Write a 1100–1300 -word paper that answers the following questions: What leadership model is practiced by the human service organization you researched? Provide evidence to support your claim.

Is there a different leadership model that could be used successfully in the human service organization? What kind of changes would need to take place to implement a new leadership model in that organization? What effect would those changes have on the organization? From a systems perspective, what is the organizational force that binds and energizes each element and function of human service management? What are the salient managerial elements or subsystems (6 functions) that work together to contribute to the efficacy of the human service organization?

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What is leadership’s role in this conceptual framework for human service management? Format your report consistent with APA guidelines. Include a minimum of 3 scholarly references

Research a human service organization in your community.

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