Using Ibiza (Spanish Balearic Islands): Analyse the tourism supply (i.e. What type tourism products / tourism industry elements are on offer? )

Using Ibiza (Spanish Balearic Islands): Analyse the tourism supply (i.e. What type tourism products / tourism industry elements are on offer? ).

Using Ibiza (Spanish Balearic Islands)as a focus, apply relevant theories and models to prepare a report that:

1. Analyses the tourism supply (i.e. What type tourism products / tourism industry elements are on offer? )

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2. Profiles current visitor demand and motivations (i.e. main types of visitors, originating markets, increasing or declining figures?). 3. Proposes two strategies how recommended sustainable tourism guidelines can be implemented in tourism planning in the region (i.e. in relation to the „Tourism Concern Guidelines“). Title Page Abstract List of content 1. Introduction (approx. 200 words) 2. Main part (approx. 1100 words) a. Tourism supply b. Current visitor demand and and motivations c. Two strategies how recommended sustainable tourism guidelines can be implemented 3. Conclusions (approx. 200 words) References Word count:1300-1400 words (only counting introduction, main part and conclusions); +/- 10% Format: Word document, font size 11, single spacing References: Harvard Style

Using Ibiza (Spanish Balearic Islands): Analyse the tourism supply (i.e. What type tourism products / tourism industry elements are on offer? )

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