How do stories about human experiences challenge assumptions or ignite new ideas?

How do stories about human experiences challenge assumptions or ignite new ideas?.

Description Text: Any of the short stories in the short story collection: ‘The Thing Around Your Neck’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. You can find quick summaries on wikipedia and pick one, if you can’t find the pdf of the particular story.  Task: “Storytelling hints at human imperfection. Where there is perfection there is no story to tell.” (Ben Okri) Use the above statement as a starting point to consider how stories about human experiences can challenge assumptions or ignite new ideas. In your presentations you should consider the ideas, forms and features of your text. Rubric: Presents a perceptive and insightful response to the statement within the context of the study of texts and human experiences.  Delivers a highly developed discussion of the way texts invite us to consider how stories about human experiences can challenge assumptions or ignite new ideas.  Presents sophisticated analysis of the forms and features of the chosen text.  Composes a highly original and engaging multimodal presentation that demonstrates highly effective manipulation of language, technical skills, conventions and medium.

How do stories about human experiences challenge assumptions or ignite new ideas?

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