Negative Impacts on Children Who Witness Domestic Violence in Their Homes

Negative Impacts on Children Who Witness Domestic Violence in Their Homes.

CREATING your research paper You have to find 10 peer reviewed journal article and write a P1( paragraph), P2, P3 for each article, also thesis statement for each one. Your paper must be in ASA format. In your last page should be your references in ASA format. I won’t accept in any other format remember only in ASA format. Here is what your paper should look like. Group your Thesis Statements into broader categories then format an outline: I INTRO: Is what you are writing about relevant to the audience and reader? How can you make it personal and interesting to those who are outside the experience spoken about? Introductions are designed for two things: Capture the reader’s attention Emotional language Relevance to current situation Level of tension in the topic Using emotional words to describe ordinary situations help explain those situations in new ways Using comparative examples drive home the point of your presentation Some topics lend themselves to interest because of the tension they create: Issues that polarize individuals Issues that have strong moral ideas Current topics which are emotionally charged Tell the reader what to expect II

Topic which is: Negative Impacts on Children Who Witness Domestic Violence in Their Homes P1 First paragraphs should contain these items: 1. Topic Sentence-this is the thesis statement from your outline.

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2. What did the research say? Give a brief summary (5-10 sentences P2 Second Paragraphs 1. Why is this research important? (2-3 sentences) This research is important because… 2. Sociological Perspective (i.e., Symbolic Interactionism, Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory). 3. Why is this research important to society (3-5 sentences) This research is important to society because… P3 Third Paragraphs Examples or elaboration-If your personal experience validates the research then it could be included here (no more than 5-6 sentences). If you do not have any personal experience that validates this article then move on to summarize your P1, P2 and P3 for this article, and transition us to the next article (remind the reader what your point is). P1 First paragraphs should contain these items: 1. Topic Sentence-this is the thesis statement from your outline. 2. What did the research say? Give a brief summary (5-10 sentence

Negative Impacts on Children Who Witness Domestic Violence in Their Homes

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