M2A1: Models of Quality Improvement

M2A1: Models of Quality Improvement.

Think of a major process or practice change that you have experienced. This may have been in your organization, of if not working, in your personal life. Select one of the quality improvement models in your text that you think would be appropriate and apply it to your situation. (See the text box for a brief non-health organization related example on how we might apply a model.) Here is a very simplistic example using the API Improvement Mode

Address the following points in your essay: Briefly describe the process or practice change. Talk about what was done to resolve the problem or issue. Describe the major tenets of the chosen model or approach. You must cover all the essential elements of the model. Apply the model to the situation/problem. If this model had been used, postulate how it might have impacted the outcome of the change situation. What might be one unintended consequence or disadvantage of using your chosen model? What data would you use to inform the results from using this model and to ensure improvement in quality? Please describe at least two different data points. Your paper should be 3-5 double spaced pages, not including your title and reference pages.

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M2A1: Models of Quality Improvement

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