Implementing information technology driven solutions for supply chain/logistics systems

Implementing information technology driven solutions for supply chain/logistics systems.

Conduct research and find a case study on implementing information technology driven solutions for supply chain/logistics systems.

Do some research on the case, summarize the information and compose a report. This report must be in APA style. Additionally, should reference at least 3 of the following areas:  Business analysis and justification of electronic business operations  Estimating infrastructure requirements, selection of technology infrastructure, and cost estimation  Cost-benefit analysis done to show the feasibility of a project  Identifying proper market segments and marketplaces  Marketing strategy and revenue model(s)  B2B communication protocols, technology platform issues, and strategies  Potential legal, ethical, and tax issues  Web server host, hardware, and software  Customer transaction processing software  Business partners/supply chain software  Payment systems  Information security  Project plan and resource allocatio

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Implementing information technology driven solutions for supply chain/logistics systems

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