The use of a universal basic income in the united states to increase the middle class.

The use of a universal basic income in the united states to increase the middle class..

Paper Instructions

Introduction: State and explain your topic in a paragraph. State why the issue is important to you (paragraph); explain the most important issues addressed in the statement (paragraph). • Length of Introduction: about 1-2 pages, double-spaced. Body (literature review) : In this section, you will: (1) You will discuss how your topic relates with the literature. This is typically done by engaging with the literature – so your literature review will come here, along with making a case for why what you are studying is important and how you are filling a gap in the literature. You will also identify weaknesses in the literature.

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• Length of Body: about 5 pages or more, double-spaced. The litrature review should contain 10 scholarly and peer reviewed articles Conclusion: Summarize your issue and your reaction to the issue, drawing on your arguments of defense for your opinion. • Length: about 1/2-1 page, double-spaced.

The paper topic is the use of a universal basic income in the united states to increase the middle class.

The use of a universal basic income in the united states to increase the middle class.

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