Customer Arrivals at Bank98 – Quantitative Analysis

Customer Arrivals at Bank98 – Quantitative Analysis.

Customer Arrivals at Bank98 – Quantitative Analysis 

Bank operates a main location and three branch locations in a medium-size city. All four locations perform similar services, and customers typically do business at the location nearest them. The bank recently had more congestion-longer waiting lines that it (or its customers) would like. As part of the study to learn the causes of these long lines and to suggest possible solutions, all locations have kept track of customer arrivals during one-hour intervals for the past 10 weeks. All branches are open Monday though Friday from 9 A.M until 5 P.M and on Saturday from 9 A.M until noon. For each location, the file C03_01.xlsx contains the number of customer arrivals during each hour of a 10-week period. The manager of Bank98 has hired you to make some sense of these data. Specifically, your task is to present charts and/or tables that indicate how customer traffic into the bank locations varies by day of week and hour of day. There is also interest in whether any daily or hourly patterns you observe are stable across weeks. Although you don’t have full information about the way the bank currently runs its operations—you know only its customer arrival pattern and the fact that it is currently experiencing long lines—you are encouraged to append any suggestions for improving operations, based on your analysis of the data.

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Customer Arrivals at Bank98 – Quantitative Analysis

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