? How did the Chinese incorporate this new public health tool to their Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

? How did the Chinese incorporate this new public health tool to their Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?.

This is a research proposal, NOT a formal paper. It is fine to break down the proposal into clearly separated/number sections as listed below.


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Organization and format of the research proposal:

  1. Title
  2. Introduction (research question; scope – time and geography)
  3. Literature review (situating your work in scholarship; significance of your research)
  4. Sources (where to find and how to use the sources)
  5. Bibliography (list of sources)




In the early and mid 20th century, how did the introduction of vaccines/immunization influence public health in China? What did public health look like before and how was it accepted and adapted? How did the Chinese incorporate this new public health tool to their Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)? Once immunization was introduced how did it coexist with TCM? Did it replace TCM or were they used together in order to prevent disease? How did China’s philosophy on public health, which differed from the Western philosophy in that it focused on a more holistic approach and prevention instead of curing diseases once they have occured, affect the acceptance of vaccinations within the field of public health in China? How did the Chinese accept this new technology and reform of public health? How did vaccines play a role in the prevention of diseases (Examples: Measles, cholera, smallpox, Manchurian Plague) within the Chinese state?


(I would really appreciate it if you could use specific primary sources when speaking about the specific diseases such as measles, cholera, smallpox. You are free to pick the specific diseases based on the primary sources you are able to find).

Organization and format of the research proposal:

  1. Title: The History and Development of Public Health Systems Within China
  2. Research Question:  Scope (Time Period & Geography): Early and mid 20th century. Background, history, dates, etc.
  3. Literature review (situating your work in scholarship; significance of your research)  – Where do my thoughts and ideas tie into the sources and books used to write this paper?
  4. Sources (Where to find and how to use the sources): Must include scholarly sources such as primary and secondary sources. Please use a minimum of 5 primary sources. Examples: What do the authors say in their writing?  How would the specific sources used address the research question at hand? How do their views differ from one another?
  5. Bibliography (list of sources): Work-cited/Bibliography, must be in Chicago Style (Author-Date)

Could you please use the following books below as sources within the paper?

  1. Lei, Sean Hsianglin. 2014. Neither Donkey nor Horse: Medicine in the Struggle over China’s Modernity. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  2. Fang, Xiaoping. 2012. Barefoot Doctors and Western Medicine in China. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester Press.



Please provide 9 pages of PURE CONTENT. Please do not include the bibliography/works cited as one of the 9 pages. Please include 9 pages of content with an additional page for the bibliography/works cited (Page 10).




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? How did the Chinese incorporate this new public health tool to their Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

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