Design Thinking for Social Impact

Design Thinking for Social Impact.

How do we make sure that we are designing for a feeling of empowerment, inclusion, community, love, or beauty in these tough contexts? Description of Assignment: Students will be required to identify specific opportunities, brainstorm of possible solutions and set clear objectives How do we make sure that we are designing for a feeling of empowerment, inclusion, community, love, or beauty in these tough contexts? Jocelyn Wyatt, Chief Executive Officer of Societies face several social challenges- that being said, one of the biggest issues is determining which challenge to tackle especially when doing so from a developing or emerging economy. ( BRAZIL if possible) To that end, you have been tasked to identify opportunities on how to reframe one of the following issues- Poverty; lack of energy and or education so that stakeholders are able to begin understanding how to find sustainable solutions. To do so, you will have to prepare a 2200-word report that utilizes a FRAMEWORK, DESIGN THINKING FOR SOCIAL IMPACT, a country of your choice and consider local variables.

Design Thinking for Social Impact

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