Op-ed Requirements

Op-ed Requirements.

WRTG 101: Op-ed Requirements


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Format: 12-point font, standard margins, double-spaced


What is an Op-Ed?: An op-ed is an article that expresses the opinions of a writer. It gets its name from its placement in a newspaper, opposite the editorial page (not opinion-editorial as many people think). Published op-eds are typically written by people unaffiliated with the publisher, such as experts on the topic, community members, business leaders, academics, etc. They are an opportunity to have opinions and ideas heard by other readers in the form of, essentially, a persuasive argument.


This op-ed is a chance for you to express your opinions on a topic of your choice relating to our course theme of feminism and gender in a thoughtful, organized way. It employs persuasive writing which utilizes logic and reason to attempt to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or take a particular action. The argument should use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, using examples, and quoting experts.


Content: Your piece will follow the same premise as a standard op-ed; it should express your position on a topic. You鈥檒l make an arguable claim and support it. One of the hallmarks of an op-ed is a strong, engaging voice. You should put your opinions and observations in the essay. Op-eds are also generally more informal, so don鈥檛 be afraid to use your own voice (within reason, of course).


Your topic should be something about which you feel strongly related to feminism and gender. You may want to think about issues in the news or issues that you care about. You might also skim the readings in the syllabus to help you get thinking about issues of interest. You should also think of where you would like your piece published as this will influence your choice of tone and diction, among other things.


To produce an effective op-ed you must:


Be well informed about your topic. Learn as much as you can about your subject. A persuasive essay must provide specific and convincing evidence. Often it is necessary to go beyond your knowledge and experience. Think beyond basic searches on the internet; you may need to go to the library or interview people who are experts on your subject. While there is not a research requirement for the piece, research usually will help your claims.


Analyze your audience. Who is your audience? Are they sympathetic to your cause? Undecided? Antagonistic? Knowing whom you are addressing will allow you to tailor your arguments and employ the appropriate tone.


Establish credibility. Why should the reader believe you? You can choose to be explicit (you tell us you are an authority on the topic) or implicit (you reveal your knowledge through research). Either way, you need to demonstrate your authority. As well, for an op-ed, a personal experience or connection can do this.


Have a strong thesis. Your thesis must be argumentative, imaginative, and manageable.


Address the counterclaim. Don鈥檛 be afraid to acknowledge differing opinions. Understand the opposite viewpoint of your position and then counter it by providing contrasting evidence or by finding mistakes and inconsistencies in the logic of the opposing argument.


Have a clear, organized structure. Having structure does not mean you have to write a 5-paragraph essay, but rather that you have an engaging introduction, a logical, easy-to-follow argument, and a strong conclusion



Engage the reader. Show us why the issue matters. Use vibrant, dynamic sentences. Ask rhetorical questions.


Maintain unity and coherence along with proper grammar and style. Self-explanatory, I hope.



Sources: Your paper should incorporate at least three (3) credible secondary sources to provide relevant outside information that supports your analysis. The point of this outside research is to help you develop and back up your own argument.


Citations: APA


Submission and Portfolio: Your portfolio is to be submitted at the beginning of class on the due date listed on the syllabus. Your paper portfolio should be submitted in a two-pocket folder and should include your paper proposal; two annotated, peer-reviewed rough drafts; any peer review forms; and the final, polished version of your paper. As well, you may include in your portfolio any notes, working bibliographies, etc. Your portfolio should reflect as much of your writing process as possible.


Evaluation: I will grade this essay based on the WSP grading criteria which I will provide you with and the specific requirements listed on this sheet.

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Op-ed Requirements

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