Critically evaluate PowerPoint & video teaching and learning strategies, and briefly saying its merits and demerits

Critically evaluate PowerPoint & video teaching and learning strategies, and briefly saying its merits and demerits.


Briefly explain the following: 1. Critically evaluate PowerPoint & video teaching and learning strategies, and briefly saying its merits and demerits. a. Critically evaluate why question and answer is a good strategy for valid and reliable assessment of learning. How do you know that a learner had demonstrated the skill that learning has taken taken place? 2. How do you assess a learner’s knowledge and understanding in a teaching session? Did anything impact or influence your assessment. What’s the assessment/feedback, and its merits /demerits? a. Critically evaluate how policies and organisational rules influence teaching and learning in modern-day nursing. What policies influence the teaching and learning of the skills in nursing? What is the evidence base for nursing skills? find any recent recommendations made as a result of public enquiries that should influence teaching and learning in nursing?

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Critically evaluate PowerPoint & video teaching and learning strategies, and briefly saying its merits and demerits

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