Public Administration: From NPA to What?

Public Administration: From NPA to What?.

Description Write a paper that fully explores, explains and expands on the discourse related to this topic. Expectation for the paper. The paper will have a cover sheet, which is not included in the 12 page minimum, and will not have a page number on it. Pages will be numbered starting at the page 2 (first page of the actual paper). The paper will have 1” margins, double spaced with a font, Arial or Times New Roman, not larger than 12 or smaller than 10 and the first sentence of each paragraph will be indented per APA style requirements and will include reference page(s) (APA style). All assignments must conform to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) format for written work, as this is the most commonly used format for written works in our discipline. Per APA requirements, use of first person is not acceptable.

Public Administration: From NPA to What?

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