Explain how the borders of the New Europe and the United States have changed since the “Cold War”?

Explain how the borders of the New Europe and the United States have changed since the “Cold War”?.

1) Discuss the similarities and/or differences between the external borders of New Europe and the U.S. – Mexico border?

2) Explain how the borders of the New Europe and the United States have changed since the “Cold War”? 3) Describe “Smart Borders”? 4) Examine Intellectual Property theft/violations and the economic impact of border security? 5) Discuss the action that prompted the “border control offensive” and made the issue of illegal immigration a priority. 6) With regard to border enforcement, describe who is the enemy and discuss public health and safety concerns.

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Explain how the borders of the New Europe and the United States have changed since the “Cold War”?

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