Hegelian dialectic from The Wise King by Simon Doubleday

Hegelian dialectic from The Wise King by Simon Doubleday.

At the start of the semester, you learned about the Hegelian dialectic of thesis‐antithesis‐and synthesis. In a paper of 3 pages, please identify and describe two of these cultural syntheses derived from the book, The Wise King, by Simon Doubleday. My purpose, however, is not just to have students write a paper.

 There are two items in particular: 1) avoidance of passive voice. Just writing without using “was/were/is/are” will likely help to escape the clutches of passive voice. 2) successful quoting and citation from the book,Wise King. You must quote at minimum of three times from the book. Those quotes can run no longer than three lines. Moreover, the quotes must be properly footnoted.

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Hegelian dialectic from The Wise King by Simon Doubleday

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