Critically assess Dale’s view (2004) that development work needs to be conceptualised in means-ends terms. Use your own project idea to provide examples in your discussion.

Critically assess Dale’s view (2004) that development work needs to be conceptualised in means-ends terms. Use your own project idea to provide examples in your discussion..

4: Critically assess Dale’s view (2004) that development work needs to be conceptualised in means-ends terms. Use your own project idea to provide examples in your discussion.

5: Discuss with examples the challenges of assessing long term project impact.

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6: Critically assess, making use of examples, the issues of power embedded in project design methodologies. 7. How does complexity theory challenge the linear logic of some project design methodologies? CW2: Project Portfolio You will design your own original project proposal, thus learning the important professional skill of project design. Your Project Portfolio must include all of the following: 1. Your Powerpoint presentation including a reflection on issues of power 2. Problem tree for your project 3. Stakeholder analysis 4. Project Formulation Framework. 

Critically assess Dale’s view (2004) that development work needs to be conceptualised in means-ends terms. Use your own project idea to provide examples in your discussion.

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