Advocacy for Early Childhood

Advocacy for Early Childhood.

You will create a research-based digital presentation (e.g., PowerPoint or Prezi) on advocating for the needs of early childhood students with and without exceptionalities. You will also write a reflection on how advocacy promotes the common good for students, families, and colleagues. Part I: Advocacy Presentation Create a research-based digital presentation (e.g., PowerPoint or Prezi) to give to colleagues, paraeducators, and volunteers that describes the importance of advocating for children both with and without exceptionalities in order to meet their needs and maximize their learning outcomes. Your presentation should be 15-20 slides and include a title slide, a reference slide, and speaker’s notes. Incorporate the following into your presentation: The purpose and importance of detecting preschool children with exceptionalities (disability and gifted) in order to meet their needs and maximize their learning outcomes. Major national laws/policies and their requirements related to special needs identification. The expectations outlined by professional standards for practicing teachers. Complications that may lead to misdiagnosis (e.g., cultural bias, English language learners, socioeconomic factors). The teacher’s roles and responsibilities as an advocate for students and families related to early detection in order to optimize the learning opportunities for young children, strengthen the learning environment, and advance the early childhood profession. The teacher’s role related to accessing and managing information as well as how to evaluate issues of ethics and quality related to information and its use. Cite 3-5 research-based articles that support your content. Part II: Reflection Write a 250-500 word reflection on how advocacy promotes the common good for students, families, and colleagues. In addition, consider whether such advocacy is consistent with the Christian worldview as described in the following excerpts from GCU’s Statement on the Integration of Faith, Learning, and Work and with the College of Education’s Professional Disposition of Advocacy. Explain your answer. GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith, Learning, and Work: “WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is both Savior and Lord and that all who follow Jesus should seek His Kingdom and His righteousness in relation to all aspects of human experience, including culture and society. Therefore, we have resolved to carry out our work within the public arena with compassion, justice and concern for the common good.” Advocacy, Community, and Online Resources for Early Childhood Students with and without Exceptionalities Educators should promote positive change in schools and communities that benefit the welfare of others. Actively building positive relationships with the students Engaging students in conversations beyond the scope of the classroom Taking time to understand student issues and concerns Assisting students in finding resolutions to their problems Guiding students through the problem-solving process Seeking to understand the issues and challenges facing students Sincerely getting to know the students’ interests and needs in their context

Advocacy for Early Childhood

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