Gender Justice: Female Genital Cutting

Gender Justice: Female Genital Cutting.

 In a 4-page essay discuss the following: 1. What ethical issues are involved in FGC? 2. How would a utilitarian, a Kantian, a virtue ethicist, and a rights theorist evaluate the practice of FGC? What factors would they consider when determining whether or not FGC was an ethical practice, and what would they most likely decide? (Remember: They will likely come to different conclusions for different reasons.) 3. What is your position on FGC? Do you believe that FGC should be considered wrong? Why or why not? With which moral theory does your position most closely align? Do not use any sources other than the ones assigned. Use of other sources will result in an F. Global Ethics Routledge Widdows, Heather Chapter 2, and case study chapter 3

Gender Justice: Female Genital Cutting

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