There is a strong link between the Airworthiness of a particular aircraft operation and the original assumptions regarding Configuration,

There is a strong link between the Airworthiness of a particular aircraft operation and the original assumptions regarding Configuration,.

Explain this link and the risk to airworthiness that may occur if the intended CRE does not match the original CRE assumed for type certification.

You must illustrate your answer with at least one example taken from either civil or military aviation. All reports must be presented on a standard A4 page, with lines double-spaced, in a 12-point font such as Times New Roman, Courier or Palatino. Sensible margins, e.g., 2.54cm should be used. Wherever possible, you should use appropriate graphs, tables, diagrams and figures to augment the text.

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There is a strong link between the Airworthiness of a particular aircraft operation and the original assumptions regarding Configuration,

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