You are the Secretary of Defense and the President has asked you to advise him on the use of military force. What are the costs and benefits of resorting to force? Advise the President under what circumstances the US should use its military.

You are the Secretary of Defense and the President has asked you to advise him on the use of military force. What are the costs and benefits of resorting to force? Advise the President under what circumstances the US should use its military..

1. You are the Secretary of State and the President has asked you to advise him on whether the United States should promote democracy abroad. The President wants you to discuss the arguments in favor and against democracy promotion. Be sure to provide examples.

2. You are the Secretary of Defense and the President has asked you to advise him on the use of military force. What are the costs and benefits of resorting to force? Advise the President under what circumstances the US should use its military. Be sure to provide examples.

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3. What qualities and skills are needed in order to become a successful political leader in the United States? Be sure to provide examples of success in political leadership and the qualities necessary to achieve it.

You are the Secretary of Defense and the President has asked you to advise him on the use of military force. What are the costs and benefits of resorting to force? Advise the President under what circumstances the US should use its military.

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