A Survey on Data Mining/Data Warehousing

A Survey on Data Mining/Data Warehousing.

 Topic: In this assignment, you need to select a topic of interest for your survey paper. The topic can be a specific DM/DW technique, such as classification & predication, association rule generation, clustering, and text mining. Alternatively, it can be a specific DM/DW application, such as customer behavior analysis, recommendation system for e-commerce, market trend analysis, link prediction for social networks, spam filtering, fraud detection, intrusion detection, web usage analysis, and medical/biological applications. Here is a list of DM applications from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Examples_of_data_mining 2) References: You should find at least three references that are closely related to your selected topic. The references should be properly cited in the survey paper. Note that a reference can be a journal/conference paper, a book, a case study from a company’s web site, or a press release. The only requirement is that each reference should provide adequate information about the problem to be tackled and the proposed solution. 3) Structure: Your survey paper should include the following components: a) A cover page that includes the title of your survey, your name, and your banner ID. b) Problem description 1 c) Proposed solution (or solutions) d) Performance of proposed solution (or solutions) e) Your comments on the solution (or solutions) f) List of References 4) Length: The survey paper should include at least 3 pages. With the cover page, there should be at least 4 pages. 5) Online Resources: Here is a list of example online resources (note that, with Google, you can more information): a) Academic resources: A slide that summarizes the major journals/conferences on DM/DW will be made available in brightspace. Research papers on DM/DW can be found in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ACM Digital Library, and other online libraries. Dalhousie library provides free access to these digital libraries: http://dal.ca.libguides.com/c.php?g=257110&p=1716818 b) Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Examples_of_data_mining 6) Submission: Please pay attention to the following submission requirements: a) The survey paper should be named “ASN1-Survey-paper.pdf”. b) In addition to the survey paper, an electronic copy of the first three references should be also be submitted. If the electronic copy of a reference is too large (e.g. > 5MB), please do not include it in the following zip file. Instead, please email it directly to the TA. c) The survey paper and the copy of the first three references should be compressed into a zip file named “YourFirstName-YourLastName-ASN1.zip”. For example, my zip file should be called “Qiang-Ye-ASN1.zip”. Finally, you need to submit your zip file for this assignment via brightspace. 7) Example Survey Paper: An example survey paper will be made available in brightspace. It is used to give you an idea of the structure of a scientific survey paper. Your survey paper does not have to be as long as the example paper.

A Survey on Data Mining/Data Warehousing

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