627 Policy and Macro Practice in Children, Youth and Family Services

627 Policy and Macro Practice in Children, Youth and Family Services.

Topics ● Voting as a political tool ● NASW’s Voting is Social Work campaign

● The role of external influences in shaping policy-

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Think tanks and social media This Unit relates to course objectives 3 & 4 Required Readings Jansson, B. S. (2014). Engaging in ballot-based policy advocacy. In Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice (7th ed., pp. 417- 447). Belmont, CA: Brooks-Cole. Uggen, C., Larson, R., & Shannon, S. (2016). 6 million lost voters: State-level estimates of felony disenfranchisement, 2016. The Sentencing Project. Rehr, D. (2017, February 15) How is Social Media Being Used in Advocacy? Huffington Post. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/how-is-social-media-being-used-in-advocacy_us_589a7b12e4b0985224db5bac Troy, T. (Winter 2012), Devaluing the Think Tank, National Affairs, 33. Retrieved from https://www.hudson.org/content/researchattachments/attachment/973/20111220_troy_indiv.pdf Recommended Resource NASW Voting is Social Work website- https://votingissocialwork.org/ Supplemental Readings/Viewings Newkirk, V. R. (2018 July 17). Voter suppression is warping democracy. The Atlantic. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/07/poll-prri-voter-suppression/565355/

627 Policy and Macro Practice in Children, Youth and Family Services

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